Yesterday's Top Poster Sales and Marketing Individuals


Earn %20 recurring commission by selling web hosting. Check out the site.

I'm in Austin, Texas. If you're in Austin we can meet and greet in person at a local food place or public area if you'd like.

Custom landing pages available, example url as;

As the business grows and paid and hourly marketing, sales, and support positions become available the affiliates that have the highest and most consistent sales will be considered first for those positions if they choose to apply to said positions.

Have questions or suggestions, criticisms or otherwise? e-mail us at
Thank you for sharing this and I thank you for including Host-Hunters, I have tweeted and shared this on Google+.
Since a few months have passed I wanted to come back and reassure anyone that this opportunity is and always will be open.

If you have an active website you can earn additional income by putting our ads on your site and earning recurring income when individuals sign up for our services.

We hope to see you soon! Thanks!
Update: The marketing and sales positions are still and always will be open to affiliates to earn recurring commission on sales.

Thanks and hope to see you soon!