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Can I drive Traffic from Social Media on my Blog Monetized with various Affiliates?


New member
I have a blog on Coupons & offers, which I have monetized with many Affiliates, but being new in this field, I am not able to drive traffic from search Engine. So, anybody let me ,whether I can drive traffic from Social media on my blog? Whether it will drive Sales or it will be a worthless Traffic?
Well, There is no doubt that you can easily drive traffic from Social media Sites, but that traffic will not be targeted, specially when compared to Search Engine Traffic.

But you can still generate some sales by keeping an eye on your social media.

First of all, I would like you to share your content in FB Groups, on Linkedin, Pinterest, Twitter in different timings and then, check the bounce rate of the traffic, it will give you a fair idea about the traffic, the lesser the bounce rate, the more targeted traffic. So, then you can easily drive some targeted visitors, which will result in some sales.

I hope this helps.
You can target people on Facebook using paid advertising. If you test your ads first and see how and what works best, you won't spend too much money on it. You will certainly drive traffic from social media, but just make sure which social media works best for your target group of people.
I think this depends on how well you optimize the social media outlets that you subscribe to. If you only have 130 followers on Twitter, that'll be tough. If you have 75000 subscribers on your YouTube channel, then you'd be rockin'.